type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Database (Doctrine) | 78 | 0.04 | 0 |
SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'
SELECT AS d__id, AS d__name, d.type AS d__type, d.params AS d__params, d.group_name AS d__group_name, d.credentials AS d__credentials, AS d2__id, d2.description AS d2__description, d2.value AS d2__value, d2.default_value AS d2__default_value, d2.lang AS d2__lang FROM dm_setting d LEFT JOIN dm_setting_translation d2 ON (( = AND d2.lang = 'en')) WHERE ( = '_header')
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INSERT INTO dm_who_is_online (ip, name, browser, ts, page) VALUES ('', 'Guest', 'unknown', '1741773164', '')
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DELETE FROM dm_who_is_online WHERE (ts < '1741772864')
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UPDATE blog SET views = views + 1 WHERE (id = '705')
SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_results FROM blog_dm_media b WHERE b.dm_record_id = '705'
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SELECT AS d__id, d.rel_path AS d__rel_path, d.lft AS d__lft, d.rgt AS d__rgt, d.level AS d__level FROM dm_media_folder d WHERE ( = '299')
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c.charity_logo_id AS c__charity_logo_id, c.primary_category_id AS c__primary_category_id, c.second_category_id AS c__second_category_id, c.third_category_id AS c__third_category_id, c.sd_show_full_address AS c__sd_show_full_address, c.sd_range_from_charity_address AS c__sd_range_from_charity_address, c.sd_range_from_charity_m_km AS c__sd_range_from_charity_m_km, c.sd_by_mail_email AS c__sd_by_mail_email, c.sd_chain AS c__sd_chain, c.headline AS c__headline, c.main_description AS c__main_description, c.house_building_no AS c__house_building_no, c.postcode AS c__postcode, c.town_city AS c__town_city, AS c__country, c.sub_building AS c__sub_building, c.street_name AS c__street_name, c.state_region AS c__state_region, c.contact_name AS c__contact_name, c.directory_status AS c__directory_status, c.directory_date_published AS c__directory_date_published, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.dm_taggable_denormalized_tags_cache_field AS c__dm_taggable_denormalized_tags_cache_field FROM blog b LEFT JOIN dm_user d ON b.created_by = LEFT JOIN retailer_account r ON = r.dm_user_id LEFT JOIN charity_account c ON = c.dm_user_id WHERE (b.privacy = '40' AND (b.circulation = '0' OR b.circulation = '10') AND (b.lifecycle_state IN ('published') AND (b.expiration_date IS NULL OR b.expiration_date > NOW())) AND b.deleted_at IS NULL AND b.created_by = '493' AND != '705') ORDER BY b.date_published DESC LIMIT 10
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SELECT AS u__id, u.title AS u__title, u.description AS u__description, u.type AS u__type, u.created_by AS u__created_by, u.updated_by AS u__updated_by, u.position AS u__position, u.deleted_at AS u__deleted_at, u.created_at AS u__created_at, u.updated_at AS u__updated_at, u.gold_members AS u__gold_members, u.privacy AS u__privacy, u.content_class_id AS u__content_class_id, u.followers_count AS u__followers_count, u.slug AS u__slug FROM user_galleries u WHERE (u.type = 'user_profile_photo' AND u.created_by = '493')
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API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment
API loop auto post of root comment